Oklahoma Adoption
Review comprehensive and supplemental social studies curricula submitted by Social Studies School Service for the 2019-2020 adoption.
Summary of submissions
Click through for an overview of Social Studies School Service’s submissions for PreK-12 social studies classrooms. Scroll down to find a full sample of each submission below.

Nystrom Young Citizens
A comprehensive, hands-on curriculum, Nystrom Young Citizens is crafted to capture student interest while meeting Oklahoma academic standards and social studies practices.
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PreK-12 Supplemental Programs
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Review all comprehensive and supplemental submissions below

Discover: Grade K
Submission: Nystrom Young Citizens Kindergarten program, Nystrom Young Citizens Kindergarten Spanish version
Login to yc.socialstudies.com and select "grade k" to review the complete program
- Username and password are provided in your evaluation kit. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.

Explore: Grade 1
Submission: Nystrom Young Citizens Grade 1 program, Nystrom Young Citizens Grade 1 Spanish version
Login to yc.socialstudies.com and select "grade 1" to review the complete program
- Username and password are provided in your evaluation kit. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.
Click here to download grade 1 correlations

Connect: Grade 2
Submission: Nystrom Young Citizens Grade 2 program, Nystrom Young Citizens Grade 2 Spanish version
Login to yc.socialstudies.com and select "grade 2" to review the complete program
- Username and password are provided in your evaluation kit. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.
Click here to download grade 2 correlations

Login to ActiveClassroom.com to view complete program
- Username and password are provided in your evaluation folder. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.

Grade 6
Course: Western Hemisphere
Submission: 1 year Teacher License, 6 year Teacher License, 1 Year Site License, 6 year Site License
Login to ActiveClassroom.com to view complete program
- Username and password are provided in your evaluation folder. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.
Click here to download grade 6 correlations

Grade 7
Course: Eastern Hemisphere
Submission: 1 year Teacher License, 6 year Teacher License, 1 Year Site License, 6 year Site License
Login to ActiveClassroom.com to view complete program
- Username and password are provided in your evaluation folder. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.

Grade 8
Course: US History Colonial to Reconstruction
Submission: 1 year Teacher License, 6 year Teacher License, 1 Year Site License, 6 year Site License
Login to ActiveClassroom.com to view complete program
- Username and password are provided in your evaluation folder. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.
Click here to download grade 8 correlations

Login to ActiveClassroom.com to view complete program
- Username and password are provided in your evaluation folder. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.

U.S. History
Course: U.S. History
Submission: 1 year Teacher License, 6 year Teacher License, 1 Year Site License, 6 year Site License
View Complete Program: User name and password provided in your evaluation kit. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.
Click here to download U.S. History correlations

World History
Course: World History
Submission: 1 year Teacher License, 6 year Teacher License, 1 Year Site License, 6 year Site License
View Complete Program: User name and password provided in your evaluation kit. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.Click here to download World History correlations

World Geography
Course: World Geography
Submission: 1 year Teacher License, 6 year Teacher License, 1 Year Site License, 6 year Site License
View Complete Program: User name and password provided in your evaluation kit. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.Click here to download World Geography correlations

U.S. Government
Course: U.S. Government
Submission: 1 year Teacher License, 6 year Teacher License, 1 Year Site License, 6 year Site License
View Complete Program: User name and password provided in your evaluation kit. Please contact access@socialstudies.com if you need assistance.Click here to download U.S. Government correlations
Grade K
Supplemental Submissions:
- Early Learning Maps and Globe Class Pack (ISBN: 9780782529142 | Product: NYS0157)
- Early Learning U.S./World Desk Map (set of 30) (ISBN: 9780782507737 | Product: NYS0106)
Grade 1
Supplemental Submissions:
- Block Buddy Atlas and Activities 5-year Package (ISBN: 9780782523980 | Product: NYS5194)
- Block Buddy Atlas (ISBN: 9780782510225 | Product: NYS0010)
- Spanish Atlas and Spanish Activities 5-year Program (ISBN: 9780782524123 | Product: NYS5500)
- Early Learning Maps and Globe Class Pack (ISBN: 9780782529142 | Product: NYS0157)
- Early Learning U.S./World Desk Map (set of 30) (ISBN: 9780782507737 | Product: NYS0106)
Grade 2
Supplemental Submissions:
- Nystronaut Atlas and Activities 5-year Program (ISBN: 9780782526363 | Product: NYS5195)
- Nystronaut Atlas (ISBN: 9780782510515 | Product: NYS0030)
- Spanish Atlas and Spanish Activities 5-year Program (ISBN: 9780782524185 | Product: NYS5520)
- Readiness Maps and Globes Set (ISBN: 9780782529159 | Product: NYS0179)
- Readiness United States and World Desk Maps (ISBN: 9780782506983 | Product: NYS0109)
Grade 3
Supplemental Submissions:
- Oklahoma State Desk Map (ISBN: 9780782529296 | Product: NYS3435D)
- Oklahoma State Map on Roller (ISBN: 9780782529166 | Product: NYS3435)
- Readiness Maps and Globes Set (ISBN: 9780782529159 | Product: NYS0179)
- Readiness United States and World Desk Maps (ISBN: 9780782506983 | Product: NYS0109)
Grade 4
Supplemental Submissions:
- Junior Geographer Atlas and Activities 5-year Program (ISBN: 9780782524000 | Product: NYS5933)
- Junior Geographer Atlas (ISBN: 9780782524765 | Product: NYS0021)
- Spanish Atlas and Spanish Activities 5-year Program (ISBN: 9780782529470 | Product: NYS1936)
- Oklahoma State Desk Map (ISBN: 9780782529296 | Product: NYS3435D)
- Intermediate Political Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 9780782529173 | Product: NYS0250)
- Intermediate Physical Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 9780782529180 | Product: NYS0169)
Grade 5
Supplemental Submissions:
- Our Country’s History Atlas and Activities 5-year Program (ISBN: 9780782524024 | Product: NYS5938)
- Our Country's History Atlas (ISBN: 9780782513585 | Product: NYS0038)
- Spanish Atlas and Spanish Activities 5-year Program (ISBN: 9780782524307 | Product: NYS5545)
- Raised-relief Physical United States Desk Map (set of 15) (ISBN: 9780782529227 | Product: NYS3133)
- Raised-relief Political World Desk Map (set of 15) (ISBN: 9780782529234 | Product: NYS0130)
- Oklahoma United States History Elementary Map Collection (ISBN: 9780782529647 | Product: NYS201OK)
Grade 6
Supplemental Submissions:
- Our World Today Hands-on Mapping Program (ISBN: 9780782529524 | Product: NYS5650)
- World Atlas (ISBN: 978078253263 | Product: NYS181)
- World Atlas 5-year Package (ISBN: 9780782523898 | Product: NYS5941)
- Spanish Atlas 5-year Package (ISBN: 9780782529098 | Product: NYS1950)
- Sculptural Relief South America Desk Map (ISBN: 9780782529265 | Product: NYS0140)
- Sculptural Relief US Desk Map (ISBN: 9780782529258 | Product: NYS0145)
- U.S. and World Desk Map (ISBN: 9780884633754 | Product: NYS0458)
- Political Relief Wall Map Set (ISBN: 9780782529586 | Product: NYS203OK)
- Land Cover Wall Map Set (ISBN: 9780782529586 | Product: NYS204OK)
- Scupltural Relief Map Set (ISBN: 9780782529593 | Product: NYS0145)
- Political Relief Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259197 | Product: NYS0970)
- Land Cover Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259203 | Product: NYS0510)
- Sculptural Relief Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259210 | Product: NYS0190)
Grade 7
Supplemental Submissions:
- Our World Today Hands-on Mapping Program (ISBN: 9780782529524 | Product: NYS5650)
- World Atlas (ISBN: 978078253263 | Product: NYS181)
- World Atlas 5-year Package (ISBN: 9780782523898 | Product: NYS5941)
- Spanish Atlas 5-year Package (ISBN: 9780782529098 | Product: NYS1950)
- Sculptural-Relief World Desk Map (ISBN: 9780782529241| Product: NYS0149)
- Sculptural-Relief U.S. Desk Map (ISBN: 9780782529258 | Product: NYS0145)
- Sculptural-Relief Europe and Asia Desk Map (ISBN: 9780782529289 | Product: NYS0124)
- Sculptural-Relief Africa and Middle East Desk Map (ISBN: 9780782529272 | Product: NYS0120)
- Political Relief Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259197 | Product: NYS0970)
- Land Cover Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259203 | Product: NYS0510)
- Sculptural Relief Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259210 | Product: NYS0190)
Grade 8
Supplemental Submissions:
- Mapping United States History Hands-on Program (ISBN: 9780782529418 | Product: NYS5780)
- Atlas of U.S. History 5-year Package (ISBN: 9780782526684 | Product: NYS5947)
- Atlas of U.S. History (ISBN: 9780782524758 | Product: NYS182)
- United States History Eighth-Grade Wall Map Collection (ISBN: 9780782529654 | Product: NYS202OK)
- Political Relief Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259197 | Product: NYS0970)
- Land Cover Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259203 | Product: NYS0510)
- Sculptural Relief Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259210 | Product: NYS0190)
Grades 9-12
Supplemental Submissions:
- Nystrom Desk Atlas (ISBN: 9780782526585 | Product: NYS1351)
- Nystrom Desk Atlas 5-year Package (ISBN: 9780782529135 | Product: NYS5650)
- Mapping World History Hands-on Program (ISBN: 9780782529425 | Product: NYS5161)
- Atlas of World History 5-year Package (ISBN: 9780782529531 | Product: NYS5953)
- Atlas of World History
- (ISBN: 9780782528022 | Product: NYS196)
- Political Relief Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259197 | Product: NYS0970)
- Land Cover Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259203 | Product: NYS0510)
- Sculptural Relief Wall Map and Globe Collection (ISBN: 978078259210 | Product: NYS0190)
Storypath Grades 1-2
Supplemental Submissions:
- Celebrating Cultural Diversity: The Parade
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560045960 | Product: STP430
- Understanding Goods and Services: Main Street
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560045991 | Product: STP510
- The Wampanoags and the First Thanksgiving
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046011 | Product: STP530
- Solving Problems in the Park: Developing Young Citizens
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046899 | Product: STP670
Storypath Grades 3-5
Supplemental Submissions:
- The Early Northwest Coast People
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046028 | Product: STP540
- State Studies
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046035 | Product: STP550
- Democracy in Action:Communities Make Decisions
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046042 | Product: STP560
- The Radio Station: Understanding Your Community
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046059 | Product: STP570
- Understanding the Marketplace: The Toy Company
- Teacher's Guide, Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046073 | Product: STP590
- The Oregon Trail
- Teacher's Guide & Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046127 | Product: STP650
- Life in the Medieval Times: The Castle
- Teacher's Guide & Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046097 | Product: STP620
Storypath Grades 5-8
Supplemental Submissions:
- The Struggle for Independence in Colonial Boston
- Teacher's Guide & Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046103 | Product: STP630
- Life in Ancient Egypt: Along the River Nile
- Teacher's Guide & Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046080 | Product: STP610
- Creating a Constitution: The Space Colony
- Teacher's Guide & Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046110 | Product: STP640
- Exploring Culture: The Museum
- Teacher's Guide & Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560046134 | Product: STP660
- The Civil Rights Movement: Freedom Summer
- Teacher's Guide & Reproducible Student Portfolio, Unit Slides
- ISBN: 9781560048190 | Product: STP421
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