Welcome to your Nystrom World Orientation!
Log in with your school email address. You may still need to set your password.
If you encounter any issues, contact us at help@socialstudies.com.
Get the Most out of Nystrom World
Nystrom World Orientation Videos
Watch this video to discover the Researcher, where grade-specific atlases are available to support the elementary classroom, as well as Spanish versions to enhance biliteracy skills.
Watch this video to learn about the Explorer, mapping programs that allow secondary students to connect history and geography
Watch this this video for an introduction to the Scholar, a library of elementary leveled readers to help scaffold reading and build student literacy skills.
Watch this this video for an introduction to the Geographer, home to over 100 maps in a variety of subjects and skill levels
Get Support

Have additional questions about implementing Nystrom World? Visit the help section for
- user guides for teachers, students, and administrators;
- video tutorials; and
- tech support.
Need further assistance? Contact us at help@socialstudies.com.