Local Explorations
Help your first-graders better understand the world around us by exploring the world around them, starting with neighborhoods.
Discover What's Inside
See the World helps first-graders understand what we can see on maps and globes, what neighborhoods look like, where people live and work, and how children on different continents are like them.
Backyard Buddies help first-graders explore their world from the insects’ own unique perspectives.
Build Foundational Skills
First-graders learn geographic literacy skills and primary social studies concepts such as
- identifying symbols on a map;
- interpreting and comparing photographs and maps;
- identifying different types of homes;
- identifying changes in a neighborhood;
- locating their state on a map; and
- describing differences in seasons.
Turnkey and Cross-Curricular
First-graders have fun applying their skills in engaging, hands-on ways, including creating make-believe telescopes and colorful mobiles.
Activities include discussion guides and cross-curricular connections, making it easy to incorporate social studies into instructional time.
Literacy lessons are designed to build ELA skills and concepts—such as categorizing words and describing connections—in the context of social studies.
Anytime, Anywhere
Meet students where they are and engage parents in their learning with digital resources, including an e-atlas and brand-new interactive activities.
Essential Geography Resources
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