Welcome to your Encompass Orientation!
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Get the Most out of Encompass
Encompass Orientation Videos
Welcome to Nystrom’s Encompass, a hands-on resource for elementary classrooms that is easy to teach and promotes student-owned learning. Let’s unpack the program together to see how it works.
The Encompass digital platform gives you access to all the materials you need to implement activities easily. Continue watching the other videos to learn more about assigning digital activities and assessing student work.
The digital home of Encompass, Nystrom World, allows teachers to assign activities digitally. These activities can be completed at home or at school. Let’s walk through it together.
The Encompass platform allows teachers to assign activities digitally. Let’s take a moment to look at the “Student View” to get a better understanding of how it works.
The Encompass digital platform gives you access to all the materials you need to assess student work easily. Let’s navigate through the platform together to see how it’s done.
Get Support

Have additional questions about implementing Encompass? Visit the Help section for
user guides for teachers, students, and administrators;
video tutorials; and
tech support.
Need further assistance? Contact us at help@socialstudies.com.