Welcome to your Active Classroom Orientation!
Log in with your school email address. You may still need to set your password.
If you encounter any issues, contact us at help@socialstudies.com.
Get the Most out of Active Classroom
Active Classroom Orientation Videos
Start with this video for an introduction to Active Classroom, including an overview of the resources and comprehensive curriculum maps aligned to your state standards.
Watch this video to learn how to find activities in Active Classroom. This tutorial covers how to find activities using search criteria and by browsing within the curriculum maps.
Watch this video to learn how to assign activities in Active Classroom. You’ll also learn how to set due dates, add student instructions, and link the assignment to your LMS.
Watch this video to learn about the options for assessing student work in Active Classroom. This tutorial covers auto-assessments built into the platform as well as options for grading student work.
Get Support

Have additional questions about implementing Active Classroom? Visit the help section for
user guides for teachers, students, and administrators;
video tutorials; and
tech support.
Need further assistance? Contact us at help@socialstudies.com.